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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Pioneer Trek Week - 15 Minute Pioneer Shirt

Today I want to show you how to make a simple pioneer shirt.  For more information on why I am making a Trek shirt and dressing like a pioneer, click here!

I originally found a tutorial for this in some random place online, but it wasn't a website so I couldn't pin it.  I redid this tutorial, tweaked it and made it my own, but the link to the original is here.  

To start, you need a button down shirt in 1 size larger than you normally wear.  I bought mine at the Goodwill for $2.  Plaids, stripes and solids are all good choices.

Step 1:  Measure down 12 inches from the collar and cut through placket.  (The placket is the part of the shirt with button holes.)

Step 2:  Turn shirt inside out.  Place buttons and placket right sides together, and pin.

Step 3:  Stitch together at edge of placket from bottom of shirt to the cut.

Step 4:  Press seam.

Step 5: Turn shirt right side out again.  Button up the shirt.  Tuck cut edge of the placket under and pin in place at the seam.

Step 6:  Sew a square and and "x" for reinforcement.

Step 7:  Cut off the collar just above the band.  Since it is stitched right there, it won't fray.

That's it!  Your Pioneer Trek shirt is now complete!

And as a side note, this shirt is actually for me.  But my husband was a good sport and modeled it for me.  lol!  And it IS turquoise, not light blue as it appears here.  I figure if I have to be dirty, sleep with no pillow and not wear makeup, at least I can wear some fun colors, right?


Kristi said...

Ryan, you look really good in your wife's shirt. You were a good sport! My husband wouldn't do that. :) Maybe you should take a job as a model. LOL!

Emily said...

Oh my goodness. That is awesome!! I'm totally linking!

Emily said...


Elaine said...

Just made two shirts for my son. Thanks for this!

Sims Family said...

I'm glad you like it! :) I hope they turned out great!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tutorial! We made one in school yesterday. We're homeschooling through the Little House on the Prairie books using the Prairie Primer.

We'll be using your bonnet tutorial next!

Jenn Nielsen said...

Thanks for sharing this tutorial. My son is going on trek in a couple of weeks and I have NO IDEA what I'm doing. This will help. :)

Thanks again!

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Anonymous said...

This smart idea just completely saved my life. In preparing for sending out a missionary, I totally ignored preparations for my younger son's trek. Your idea will save me so much time and money. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Pam said...

I am linking it to our blog for trek preparation. thank you!

willpower said...

I'm getting my kids ready for trek this summer and I was so worried about what to do for shirts. This tutorial was awesome! Thank you! :)

Libby said...

So glad I found this! I'm props master & costume consultant for our Joseph Smith Encampment this summer (6 weeks! yikes!). I'm also making Joseph & Hyrum's dress costumes so any quick sews is very welcome! The Stake costumers & youth will LOVE this! Especially since it'll work with the girls also.

Thank you for posting!

Jeneta said...

This is great! Thanks for sharing.

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Anonymous said...

I have this almost done, I am having trouble where you said turn the cut edge of the placket under and stitch, it wants to form a large crease. I see in your picture that it has one on yours also, but in the picture with husband it looks okay, is there any way to fix this?

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Unknown said...

I am having the same problem. I think the key information that was left out is to only cut the placket to the button hole- not all the way through the placket!

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